Important news regarding your pay increase

JUNE 2024

Dear team,

I hope this message finds you well.

I'm pleased to announce some news regarding your pay increase for next financial year. Effective 1 July, we will be implementing a 3.75% pay increase for all our employees as well as an increase in superannuation from 11% to 11.5%.

This pay increase falls in-line with the announcement this week from The Fair Work Commission of the increase in all modern award minimum wage rates.

We understand the importance of a fair wage and the impact it has on the lives of our people. The subsequent decision to extend this increase to all our people was carefully considered, and we felt it was important to recognize and value the work of each member of our team for people and planet. We are projecting  to end the financial year with a small surplus, but with a large impact, and this solid result is with thanks to each and every one of you.

I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued commitment and dedication to our organisation. Your passion and hard work are what makes CR so deadly, and our impact so great.

I hope this increase will help alleviate some of the current cost of living pressures. A reminder too that all Australian taxpayers will receive a welcome tax cut next financial year. If you are interested, this website shows you what extra money you will have in your pocket next financial year as a result of these cuts.

Visit the website here: Tax cuts for every Taxpayer

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to your manager or our P&C team who would be happy to talk through with you.

Once again, thank you for your work. Together, we will continue to achieve great things.



We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of Australia and recognise the continuing connection to land, waters and culture. We pay our respects to Elders past present and emerging. Together we walk towards healing.
